I created 'CUT' to go out of my comfort zone and play with new materials and styles. Focusing on the topic of deforestation; I tried to represent the horror of the issue through almost freaky shapes. I used lino because I love how rough and textural it looks and felt it would enhance the rustic, darks shapes I was envisioned. I also felt that by using lino which consists of cutting shapes out of the material, it was a very literal presentation of how the trees get cut down.
My main inspiration was actually the topic of deforestation itself. I decided to create my own compilation of meditative rainforest songs to play on the topic and show the irony of who these relaxing sounds are often used to de stress, while we are actually chopping down trees and invading this 'relaxing' area.  I also wanted to make it apparent that these songs were something beautiful and soft but it was also something we could loose if we keep removing the rainforest landscape. I reflected this idea in my design, by creating shapes that originally look soft and organic but when peering closer the tree almost looks creepy and human like.
I wanted to create a negative space within my art work to represent the space that remains when the trees are cut down and removed. In saying this, I felt the rough texture of the lino was an important part of the artwork so I played with scale to make sure the detail and messy parts of the ink were still clear. The rustic atmosphere of the illustrations were also reflected in the paper choice.
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