Missing children is a devastating and destructing issue in society but as well as this it is underrepresented and not spoken about. I wanted to break this by creating an event which raised money, awareness and a conversation for missing people with the primary goal being solving cases and bringing children home to their loved ones. I found this a challenge because it is so sensitive that I did it in a way where it didn’t seem like I was making light of the situation but I wanted it to still be an event that people went to.
The concept fuelled my design and I found myself leaning towards a style that wasn’t fun and upbeat but wasn’t depressing and cold. I also found I really enjoyed working with hand-drawn type, something that was new to me and a lot of fun. I allowed this to play a role in the aesthetic of my project and found myself learning a lot of skills along the way.
I used this project to experiment with hand drawn type and imagery as it gave me a lot of freedom to create the identity of the brand. The logo was done purely by hand, then digitised in photoshop whilst the titles in the spreads were left raw and unedited.
Collateral for 'Lost and Found' included posters, a program, tote bag and social media platforms.